Welcome to the digital space where Karma’s practice, love and reverence for Astrology meet the community of galactic explorers seeking answers within and beyond the Self.

-Karma Martell


Welcome to the digital space where Karma’s practice, love and reverence for Astrology meet the community of galactic explorers seeking answers within and beyond the Self.

-Karma Martell


Cliché, DNA or Imprinted in the Horoscope?

My actual given name as in printed-on-the-birth-certificate, is Karma. And I am not the product of two “flower children.” My surname is Martell, and according to a genealogy search by my 72nd degree Mason great uncle, I am a descendant of Charlemagne and in the lineage of the Knights Templar. So, there you have it: a mystical lineage and a “woo-woo” given name that was created before the eastern concept of karma was adopted by the west and tossed around by all manner of latter-day gurus and saints. 

Inevitable that I become an astrologer? Yes and no. It took a lifetime of study on the sidelines and many zig-zags before I claimed the title. I studied with the late, great, Robert Zoller, and had the pleasure of meeting and salon-ing in my astrological youth with Robert Hand, Michael Lutin, Alphie Lavoie, Nick Campion and other greats. I am an astrology learning junkie, so you will find me soaking up classes and lectures on all manner of astrological techniques, lore and methods at every opportunity. I am currently “apprenticing” in a private professional astrologer group with the master Rick “Merlin” Levine, sharpening my magical elections skills with Nina Gryphon and vibing on Vibrational Astrology with Linda Berry. I am a recent recipient of an AFAN professional development grant for my work on kundalini yoga and astrology.

Futures Past

I was born with keen musical ability and a lengthy vocal range, which became evident even in early years. I wrote songs ever since I can remember. Although some youngsters like me would have been declared a prodigy and encouraged down a path, I was declared a prodigy, and was not. I had to take other turns.  Long ago I chose to make my voice my instrument of choice, and I have explored the power of the voice (Vak Shuddhi) as a professional singer. 

Though I do not know the joys and heartache of a decades-long continuous career in music and theater, I perform with my jazz trio, sing sacred music programs for a NYC church, have performed at the Edinburgh Festival, appeared off-Broadway, studied and performed with Bobby McFerrin, won songwriting contests and ASCAP awards, etc.

In my 20’s I stumbled upon Kundalini Yoga, (although there is no stumbling – we may fall, however clumsily, into a calling) and practice to this day, as well as teach as an advanced 500+ hour teacher. 

I have had many careers – most notably in fashion and as a professional writer, PR flack and digital marketer, but Astrology, Kundalini Yoga and music have always been by my side as creative companions and teachers.

Now my creative companions are merging into one holistic undertaking.

My transformational/aspirational creative committee of astrology, kundalini and vocal music, super-activated by Pluto opposing my Sun, demanded that I put it all together and recognize the alchemy that was here all along- like a quincunx – they were right there and I just wasn’t seeing the power and magic they represented as a combo, and how I was the facilitator. 

Most of the astrologers I know will echo the sentiment that astrology is a life-long learning journey. It is endlessly complex, enlightening and fascinating, and is and was practiced in cultures across the globe. I approach astrology with deep humility. I do not ascribe to one viewpoint alone – I appreciate the Hellenists, the modernists, the evolutionists, and the Vedic community, although I practice tropical (western) astrology.

My readings start with a sacred invocation to clear the space and welcome wisdom, higher guidance and play to the session. Before the session, I will ask you what you are interested in learning about/working on. At the conclusion of our time together or soon after, you will know what it is you would like to heal, transform or empower in yourself, your circumstances.

I will meditate on our exchange and your chart, and then get back to you with your personal “remedy.” 

The remedy can be as simple as sending you a PDF or links to videos that demonstrate an exercise, or can prepare a personalized video leading you through a kriya or mantra and or pranayama (breathing) exercise. I can even create a music track that is an original composition and performance that will be exclusively yours. The rest is up to you. Remedies must be embodied in order to take hold. We are, after all, here in the physical plane.

If this sounds like something that resonates with you can find my inquiry form here.  If my method is not for you, no worries – I would be most happy to refer you to another colleague that may be a better fit.

Note: Sometimes I work in concert with other astrologers, (E.G.: medical, electional, financial, etc.) as well as yogis, healers or esoteric arts practitioners to give a client a holistic solution.

Thank you for taking the time to visit this page. If you’d like to book a reading, click here to view my calendar. Questions, comments, greetings? Click here to be in touch.

Sat Nam and follow your star!


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