I am pleased to announce that I will be a presenter at Convergence 2025 in Orlando, Florida, March 5-7, 2025.
Rick Levine is calling it “the most important astrology event of 2025.” So, if you can get yourself to Orlando, do try! Prices are quite reasonable for an event of this caliber.
The line-up consists of 25 astrologers from all “walks” of astrology, representing many countries. Many are world renowned. Famous U.S.-based astrologers include Demetra George (Hellenistic) Rick Levine (modern, harmonic), Ray Merriman (financial) Anne Ortelee, Joni Patry (vedic), Kathy Rose and Georgia Stathis.
In addition, astrologers from diverse countries are presenting their research and findings, including Lynn Bell (France-expat USA). Öner Döşer (Turkey), Wiebke Held (Germany), Alexsandar and Lea Imsiragic (Serbia) and Pouyan Zolfagharnia, (Iran).
Despite all the greats, it will be a much more intimate experience than NORWAC, for example. Convergence 2025 is an amazing opportunity to interact with conference attendees and speakers, and learn from the masters.
The conference organizer, the illustrious Fei Cochrane (Cosmic Patterns Software CEO, vibrational astrologer, healer) is being helped by co-organizers Christopher Pridham (vibrational astrologer) and Starlene Breiter (mystic and vibrational astrologer).
My Presentations at Convergence 2025
I hope to see you in Orlando!